Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Willing to take? Willing to give?

Michigan's Daily Tribune published an editorial today titled "We should all be willing to give a Gift of Life". It begins:

Ask yourself and your loved ones: Would you accept the transplant of someone else's organ - a heart, liver, kidney, lung — if it would extend your life?

Have you signaled your intention to donate your own organs in the event of your death, through conversation with your family, online with the Michigan Gift of Life folks or on the back of your driver's license?

What's that?

You haven't?

Do you see a problem here?

We do. And so should you.

Kudos to the Daily Tribune for highlighting the link between organ donation and life-saving organ transplants. There can be no organ transplants without organ donors. That's why LifeSharers members give registered organ donors preferred access to their organs. This creates an incentive for non-donors to become donors. It also helps make the transplant system fairer.

The editorial points out that only about 20% of Michigan adults are registered organ donors. Shouldn't the other 80% go to the back of the transplant waiting list as long as there is a shortage of organs?

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